Christian Hannik, Yurii Yasinovskyi, Byzantine hymnography, Ukrainian monody, irmologions, liturgical songs.Abstract
Consider the relations between two medieval scholars of Ukraine and Germany, who have been cooperating for more than thirty years. Scientists are interested in Byzantine hymnography and sacred monody, as well as medieval liturgical manuscripts and collections. Christian Hannik is a connoisseur of Slavic philology, Byzantine and Slavic history of the Church, liturgy and liturgical music. Yurii Yasinovskyi is a source researcher, art critic, and researcher of Ukrainian nonlinear manuscript irmologions. In cooperation with both scholars, the oldest Ukrainian liturgical music books were published and numerous scientific projects were launched. Professor Yasinovskyi together with Professor Christian Hannik initiated the cooperation agreement between the Ukrainian Catholic University, the I. Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies and the University of Würzburg, as well as the M. Lysenko Lviv National Musical Academy. In collaboration with prof. C. Hannik and Yu. Yasinovskyi initiated and held 11 conferences on the history and theory of sacred monody, and conference proceedings were published in 10 collections of «Kalophonia». Selection of selected genres of sacred monody was also initiated in separate printed publications «Anthology», of which 13 were published. The purpose of the study is to present forms of scientific cooperation and achievements in the research area through the prism of personality. The basis of such observations was the active scientific cooperation of two scientists from different countries. This convinces of the good consequences of such cooperation of scientists, whose experience still unites and complements them, and science is bearing good fruit.
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