national music culture, choral singing, choral societies, conductor, repertoire, concert presentations, artistic level.Abstract
Specific features of the rise and development of choral societies in Lviv in 1900-1939 are described in the article. It is noted that the intensive dynamics of their creation corresponded to the high level of public consciousness and the strive of various communities to national self-expression. Vigorous cultural, educational and patriotic activity of choral societies, which contributed to preservation of the national historical memory, is emphasized. Their main goals are discovered. It is established that the originality of Lviv choral movement was primarily defined by the social-political situation, which divided the musical community into the dominant Polish group and also Ukrainian and Jewish ones. It is also stressed that conductors played an important role in raising the general cultural level of the Ukrainian society of Halychyna and also in the process of professional development of its music culture. Leading Ukrainian choral societies that worked in the city in the 30s of XX century are distinguished. Special attention is given to the choirs, to which the work of conductor Omelyan Pleshkevych is related. Chronological framework of activity of the master in these societies is established. His artistic beliefs are studied by means of comparison with those of a no less famous connoisseur of choral singing Ivan Okhrymovych. Characteristic features of the repertoire policy and concert presentations of O. Pleshkevych are identified. It is found that under his leadership choral societies positioned themselves exclusively as promoters of Ukrainian choral singing, whereas their concert activity was notable for numerous highly patriotic and extremely varied forms of concert performances. The reconstructed features of his artistic personality include complete dedication to the art of choral singing, the ability to light a sparkle of enthusiasm in budding singers, a deep understanding of the pieces performed and a talent for their rendition. The analyzed artistic level of the aforesaid choral societies allows maintaining that the choirmaster achieved vocal, technical and artistic perfection. It is established that Pleshkevych as a conductor played a leading role in the choral movement of Lviv of the 30s of the 20th century and thus the Ukrainian music art in general.
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