THE ROLE OF MUSIC IN CRIMINAL CINEMA PLOT «CRIME WITH MANY UNKNOWNS» (director Oleh Biyma, composer Volodymyr Hronskyi)
psychological drama, detective, functions of music for film, Franko’s story film adaptation, Volodymyr Hronskyi’s film music.Abstract
This article raised the specific issue of music for film, depending on the genre of the film. For example, the TV series «Crime with many Unknowns» («Ukrtelefilm», 1993, directed by Oleh Biyma with composer Volodymyr Hronskyi) shows the functional role of music in the psychological drama with a criminal plot. It was noted that music plays a special role in the TV series, it especially concerns leitmotiv technique which assumes emotional, dramatic, formative features; music also affects significantly the phenomenon of audience addiction to images and their develop-ment. Since the criminal story is marked with the straining action derived from the crime, its investigation, motivation protagonists’ actions, inviting intrigue, the music in the film adap-tation by Oleg Biyma of the Franko’s story Fundamentals of Publicness is designed to enhance the effect of confusing, psychologically deep crime drama rooted in the past. The filmmakers revealed good knowledge of the literary source and following the author's concepts. It is alleged that two themes are cross-cutting in the film, corresponding to two different areas: one of them, voicing events reality, has dramatic, tense character and is associated with crime suspicions, accusations efforts, intrigue, investigation; the other is lyrical, usually referring to sensory areas addressed in the present or to happy but distant past. These issues sometimes overlapping, stumbling out of rhythm and tonality, thus open strain into personal development and their distorted attitude to the environment. According to Franko’s concepts, the psycho-logical portraits of the main characters are represented in the film and music, at the same time, serves as an important means of psychologization.
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Злочин з багатьма невідомими: телесеріал / авт. сцен. О. Бійма, В. Політов; реж. О. Бійма; оператор Л. Зоценко; комп. В. Гронський; худож. Е. Колесов; актори: З. Дехтярьова, О. Богданович, Ж. Мельников, Ю. Критенко та ін. Укртелефільм, 1993. 7 с., 01:00:34, 00:57:56, 00:59:02, 01:03:02, 01:01:45, 01:04:06, 01:12:06. За кримінальними репортажами Івана Франка. Жанр: драма, детектив, екранізація.