
  • Natalia Kostyuk


Ukrainian liturgical musical creativity, Mykola Leontovych, chant, «New School» of Ukrainian church music, the author’s style, singing canon.


Necessity multifaceted study of the heritage of leading Ukrainian composers in our time caused not only by the need of rethinking it in accordance with new methodological approaches, significantly enriched the theoretical basis or taking into account the open over time new prospects, but also with a significantly more simple, and yet the unavoidable task ‒ analysis is not incorporated until now by one or another reason in the scientific circulation many works. Precisely to this stratum belongs liturgical chants of Mykola Leontovych. Written at different stages of the creative growth of genius composer, to some extent they reflect practical tasks, which arise in front of him in a professional activity as a teacher of church music. At the same time, they quite naturally appears one of the significant elements of creative searches of his time ‒ special attention to the finding and developing of archetypes, which in the field of church music lurked in the rich intonational fund or timbrally-factured models of local or regional traditions, which have been preserved in the publications or existence of old monastic chants. Detection of stylistic features and patterns of these chants significantly supplement understanding of the dynamics of its author's style, and the process of crystallization of the distinguishing features of the «New School» Ukrainian church music.


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