productive scientific school, scientific language, research topic, problematic analysis, abstract thinking, gift of scientific prediction.Abstract
Purpose of research is to study the methodological basis of the productive scientific school of I. Kotlyarevsky prospective for future music studies development. Studying the principles of scientific school formed in the national musicology at the beginning of XXI century, has acquired special relevance. Established by I. Kotlyarevsky productive scientific school is one of the most original and perspective in Ukrainian musicology, as evidenced by the results of the methods of scientific knowledge and the formation of scientific world outlook of its students. Research methodology is based on historical and logical, systematic and dialectical methods of analysis, which promotes the comprehension of the essence of I. Kotlya-revsky’s productive scientific school. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematic analysis of the principles of productive scientific school of musicology, interpreted in terms of reflection of the personal qualities of the scientist. Among the features of I. Kotlyarevsky scientific school there are the ability to find a problematic situation, the interpretation of the research topic as genetic code of the work, rejection of the previous work in the name of the study "core", transcendental meditation method, dialectical and systematic research methods, problem analysis, "healthy pragmatism", immediate constructing of the whole in its details, modeling of the structure and content of research ahead of writing (reading) of the work, the conceptual density of scientific text and its prognostic nature, abstract thinking and the gift of scientific prediction. In I. Kotlyarevsky scientific school belief in the student’s potential and talent was combined with imperatively worded provisions, which determined the research direction. Requirements to scientific language met the "height of the position" of the resear-cher. The content of one of the imperatives of the I. Kotlyarevsky scientific school is that the scientist should be able to put just about each provision of the study as the main one. If in the result of this operation the research retains its significance, it demonstrates the importance of this position in the structure and content of the work. Conclusion. Understanding of the principles and patterns of the productive scientific school of I. Kotlyarevsky has methodo-logical and prognostic importance for the development of domestic musicology.
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