Velimir Khlebnikov, polyphony, futuristic poetry, poetic rhythm.Abstract
The proximity of music and literature is not a new problem in the fields of both musicology and literary criticism. The association between music and poetry is particularly noticeable. The realization of musical themes, which appears in the futuristic poetry, is extremely interesting. It should be borne in mind that a direct analogy between the musical and poetic aspects of polyphony is impossible, since both of these fields of art use different coding. Therefore, the analysis of the poem in this angle should be conducted not holistically, but selectively and the research apparatus must be eclectic. All this will allow for the most objective analysis of the poem in terms of its musical analogy. In this article we examine the possibility of the emergence of elements of polyphony in the rhythm of the lyrics. In this respect the poem by one of the greatest Russian cubofuturists Velimir Khlebnikov will be examined. The analysis will be based on Yefim Etkind’s multi-dimensional rhythm typology, which includes elements such as tonic, syllabic and syntax rhythms, as well as rhymes, both final and anaphoric or internal. The purpose of the inter-pretation of the lyrics in these terms is to demonstrate that the overlapping levels of rhythm create a system, which to some extent mimics polyphony. In the context of polyphony in Khlebnikov’s poetry, as well as other representatives of futurism, including Ukrainian, it is necessary to mention a specific metric structure, which is based on combining various metric systems in small sections of text. Such a grip is called micropolymmetry, and combined with the specific neologisms commonly used by futurists, both Russian and Ukrainian, gives extremely interesting multidimensional sounds. In the context of this work, they can be considered as polyphonic manifestations of the material of the rhythmic structure.
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