
  • Halyna Maksymiuk



The research provides an analysis of the chamber concert from Liubov Lytvynchuk’s musical project “CLASSICS AND CONTEMPORARY” which took place on September 19 at the Ivano- Frankivsk Regional Philharmonic named after Ira Malanyuk and was dedicated to the oeuvre of two Ukrainian composers of different generations: the music of the artist-patriarch Vasyl Barvinskyi (in the first part) and the young contemporary author Marichka Chaban (in the second part). Vasyl Barvinskyi and Marichka Chaban were also presented as individuals and great artistic phenomena. It is noted that the special merit of Vasyl Barvinsky is the creation of national multigenre chamber-instrumental music, in which he acts as an innovator both in terms of figurative and intonational content and in terms of form creation and means of expression. The article states that with each appearance on the stage, Marichka Chaban’s music builds new associative lines, and it is important that the author allows for different performing interpretation, and not just free, but quite different from her vision.

