
  • Bohdan Kosopud


Pavlo Karmaliuk, voice, breathing, methodical principles, vocal creativity.


The article deals with the methodical principles applied in practice by the famous Ukrainian singer Pavlo Karmaliuk. The review of the concert life of the famous singer is performed. The basic principles of creating the perfect scenic expressiveness are analyzed. In his acting mastery, Pavlo Karmaliuk was faithful to the methods of the luminaries of Ukrainian theaters, and considered his special task to penetrate into the depth of a composer’s plan as well as to convey the idea to the listener. Pavlo Karmaliuk understood and often told to his students that they must possess not just the high level of vocal technique only, but also have the ability to create an image of a hero. For this purpose it was necessary to constantly improve oneself, increase the cultural level, the breadth of the artistic outlook. So, he called for reading, studying art, listening to the music of different eras and styles. The musical content of the party always constituted the basis of the stage interpretation of the image. Perfectly knowing the score, he never turned the art of singing into an end in itself, and always sought a complete fusion of the music and text. He put in his thoughts and emotions in every single phrase; he was able to reproduce the character inherent to the image. Creating an artistic image, revealing the general features of reality, the artist transmited the individual features with a unique character. By these principles, the singer remained faithful throughout his great creative life. He was a great artist and a talented teacher who brought up a significant amount of talented singers.


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