festival process, jazz festivals, jazz-festival movement, urban environment, regional centers.Abstract
Consequently, taking independence as an opportunity to increase the musical and cultural level, virtually all Ukrainian cities have joined the «competition» to host the largest number of festivals and their «international» status. Along with Kyiv's attempt to assert itself as the administrative capital and cultural center of Ukraine, there is a tendency to create alternative local centers. In the musical culture, as noted above, there are primarily cities with conservatories characterized by a developed system of musical education and cultural institutions, active activity of educational and propaganda centers, the presence of active creative groups, etc. The processes of decentralization of the cultural space of Ukraine and the dissemination of the festival movement are interdependent. The festival is becoming the optimal form of musical action, which is marked by great resonance and meets the aspirations of cities and regions to improve their status. Consequently, the musical and festival movement not only has a significant influence on the cultural self-awareness of the listeners and the cultivation of their musical taste, but also is a factor in the formation of the cultural space of the city, an artistic corridor of exchange of achievements of musical culture. It's all about jazz festivals. Jazz festivals, like other music festivals, became an essential element of a modern democratic society, an important factor in its development and self-organization. They facilitated the communication of many people by interests, served as a function of advertising and promotion of specific territories or communities, professional groups, etc. Conducting each jazz festival is related to a specific city or village, that is, most festivals have their «registration». The development of jazz art in Ukraine in 1991–2012 is most intensively followed in the urban environment, which is characterized by advanced infrastructure of cultural and organizational and propagandist centres. It is in this environment of all the leading cities of the given process, cities with a great number of new and restored festivals, most of which gained international status, stand out, and they adequately represent regional centres of development of jazz festival movement in Ukraine. Consequently, jazz festivals during the period of 1991–2012 became an important part of the socio-cultural space of Ukraine and in some way recreated not only the development of jazz art, but also a powerful stimulus in the deployment of cultural processes, which is especially reflected in the regional centers for the deployment of the jazz festival movement, in particular in the cities of Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Sevastopol, Dnipropetrovsk. But the unchanged leader in this area, of course, is Kiev, which is the center of the jazz festival movement not only of the northern region, but of all of Ukraine. It is there that the best forces of Ukrainian jazz are concentrated and the most favorable conditions for the development of jazz art are created. In the city during this period more than 20 jazz festivals were started, about 15 of them have international status. A special role belongs to the international jazz festivals, which raised the prestige of our state internationally and served as an important factor in Ukraine's integration into the world's socio-cultural space.
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