jazz, improvisation, big band, jam session, jazz club, tea jazz.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the main stages of the formation and development of Kharkiv jazz art. Despite the considerable number of studies of the musical heritage of Kharkiv region, the issue of jazz music is not studied. Only thanks to the fixation and processing of unique archival materials and as a result of personal communication with musicians-representatives of Kharkiv jazz school, the author has described the general tendencies of the development of Kharkiv jazz. For the first time in the historical picture of the cultural life included a number of forgotten names of jazz musicians who worked and toured in Kharkiv. The development of Kharkiv jazz art as a holistic historical and cultural phenomenon, which represents the avant-garde of the general cultural jazz process in Ukraine, is considered. In this article, for the first time systematized the activities of the collectives, based by Kharkiv musicians, since 1924 to the present day. In the process we have identified three main stages in the development of Kharkiv jazz music. At the first stage of formation (20–40s years of the twentieth century), the work of amateur groups mainly in restaurants and on the dance floor, was considered. The source of the song material for that time were clavier operettas and song collections. The next stage (50–80s of the twentieth century) is characterized by relation jazz attitude to as a serious form. After analyzing the works of pop and symphony orchestras of that period, we have concluded that in this period there was attitude of musicians to jazz as a serious art form, and can be traced to the attempts of penetration into the art of improvisation. At the last stage, that covers the present, we see the final formation of the professional basics of jazz art through the introduction of professional jazz education and the conduct of international jazz festivals as a factor of intercultural relations and the exchange of creative experience. Analyzing the creativity of jazz bands, proposed a peculiar list of the main criteria inherent in the jazz composition, based on the comprehensive, "standard" system of analysis of jazz elements.
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