
  • Lyudmila Obukh


festival, Prykarpattia, professional musical art, classical music, producing, music management.


Article covers the way the annual regional festival «Prykarpatska Vesna» influences the formation and dynamics of professional academic music art development in Prycarpattia. Official documents and the program of the festival reveal the following general provisions the goals and objectives, institutional arrangements, the procedure for holding, financing, the award of participants, coverage of festival events, sponsors and co-sponsors, the organizing committee, teams and participants during several festival seasons, and the program materials. The goal of the article is to show the dynamics of the festival’s development distinguishing the general tendencies in holding the event as well as coverage of the «inner life» of the «Prykarpatska Vesna» from the perspective of musical management.The methodology of the research is to use evaluating, theoretical and musicological methods for the study and analysis of official documents and private materials of the festival The scientific novelty of the article is in the comprehensively covered and generalized details of the prospects of the development of the festival «Prykarpatska Vesna» as well as little-known facts which were not mentioned in scientific research before. The uniqueness of the regional Open Festival «Prykarpatska Vesna» is the only professional musical festival in Ivano-Frankivsk region. It is held annually in spring at the premises of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Phil-harmonic Hall and others performance places determined by festival Organizing Committee. The professional musical groups and individual performers without age limit from Ukraine and abroad can become the participants of the event. A recent innovation has become the organizing of individual performance in the framework of the festival involving children prize winners in all-Ukrainian and international contests. The program includes the opening ceremony of the festival, concert performances by musical groups and solo performers, the closing ceremony, as well as press conferences involving authorities, artistic leaders of the participating teams, and members of the Organizing Committee. All participants of the Regional Open Festival «Prykarpatska Vesna» are awarded with special diplomas. The festival can be funded from the State budget provided by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and Local budget provided for holding cultural and artistic events for the corresponding year. The financing of the festival can also be carried out by Philharmonic society’s fund as well as others sources of revenue in case it is not prohibited by current law. Furthermore, photographs, video and audio recordings made during the festival may be later used for producing of the promotional materials and informing the public through the mass media.The regional Open Festival of Professional Music Art «Prykarpatska Vesna» contributes to the creation of new highly professional music programs using the best examples of national and world culture, establishing collaboration and artistic exchanges among professional art groups including philharmonic teams. It also raises the role of culture in upbringing of the young people’s national awareness and promotes the professional musical art in the region. Among the general tendencies of the festival are the traditional concep-tual elements, the presentation of various forms of musical performance, the presenting of a wide variety of musical styles. To promote the musical management Philharmonic society or state tour concert centers widely use modern mass media and Internet resources and apply innovative forms of work (various projects, actions, etc.).


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