
  • Natalia Syrotynska


scholastic, isihasm, medieval, poetics, symbolism, sacral hymnography.


Awareness of the speed and diversity of the directions’s development of modern civilization forces to critically evaluate the achievements and potential opportunities of conceptual, cultural innovations present as well as directs to the study of those structural elements of the past through which evolutionary processes acquire integrity and systemic character. The mentioned issue helps to identify appropriate cultural mechanisms that appear in the process of epochs shifting within essentially periods that are remoted in time. Therefore, an application of a certain direction of the research on the example of comparing the worldview and artistic characteristics of the Middle Ages with modern algorithms of socio-cultural development is especially relevant. The development of the human culture has demonstrated the presence of expressive worldview and artistic parallels between the remote in time periods of the Middle Ages and the present. It is noted that the mentioned similarity is based on the presence of internal mechanisms inspired by the ideological characteristics of Christian society. It is stated that the results of under-standing the connection of the particular epochs are an essential factor within the reflection of social relations and cultural forms of various civilizational types assistance. For a specific context, the historical and cultural model of the humanity development acquires structural integrity and predictability due to the formation of the future value categories.


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