
  • Natalia Syrotynska


socio-cultural system, transgression, eidetic imagery, information society, neuro-sciences.


The research aims to identify related art parallels between time-disparate cultural periods and innovative scientific discoveries that determine the mechanisms for the functioning of the mentioned links. The choice of research strategies within studying the dynamics of changes in the socio-cultural system, identified the application of systemic and sophisticated approaches, as well as comparative and heuristic research methods, caused by the actual technological progress of the present time. In terms of the particular context, we use the prognostic aspect of the research, which involves the building of new value models and symbols reflecting social relations and cultural ones as well as artistic forms of modern civilization. The application of the mentioned methods of the research contributed to obtaining the own theoretical results. The scientific novelty of the study consists the formulation and development of an actual topic, which has not received comprehensive and objective coverage and is being investigated for the first time regarding the scientific dimension. The core idea is based on the fact that the results of understanding the essence of neuro-art can serve as an essential component in the context of contemporary cultural achievements study, as well as within the definition of value categories of the hyper-informational society. Conclusions. The development of the humankind culture demonstrates the presence of internal artistic parallels between separated time periods. It is noted that the similarity is inspired by the existence of internal mechanisms formed in the conditions of primitive society with its inherent expression of the eidetic imagery. The dynamics of the cultural trends is associated with the subconscious impulses of the human brain, which determined the importance for the introduction of such innovative terms as neuro-esthetics and neuro-art.


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