
  • Nazariy Liubinets


Polish accordion school, Motion trio, accordion art, chamber-instrumental ensembles.


The article investigates the trends of the Polish accordion school of the second half of 20th and the beginning of 21st centuries. The modern instrument palette was established in the work of a number of Polish performers. The popularity of accordion music among performers and listeners attracted the attention of composers, their genre-stylistic quest created a solid springboard for the discovery of new expressive techniques of the game on the instrument. In particular, in accordion ensemble creativity, in which the accordion is combined with various instruments, including non-traditional instrumental possibilities. The most experimental attempts include the combination of accordion with organ, percussion, copper instruments, tape and computer. The main purpose of the study is the performing arts of the Polish accordion trio "Motion", which testified to the evolution of the development of accordion chamber and ensemble art not only in Poland but also in the whole world. For analysis of creativity of the group the best works from their repertoire are selected, which includes both translations of famous works of world classics and author music. Based on "Sounds of War", "You Dance", "Little story", "Game Ovre", their approach to the use of acoustic capabilities of the instrument, new techniques of the game, non-traditional ways of sound production is analyzed. The album Polonium, which presented the works of famous Polish composers, including Witold Lutoslavsky, Wojciech Kiliar, Krzysztof Penderecki and Henrik Nikolai Gurecki, is also taken in account.


Офіційний сайт «Motion trio» URL http://www.motiontrio.com/pl

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