
  • Ivan Chupashko


Yevhen Vakhniak, Volodymyr Vasylevych, conductor, vocal-choir collective, pedagogical activity, sound material, performing style.


Article covers the problems of conducting art related to the professional activity of Yevhen Vakhniak and Volodymyr Vasylevych graduates of higher educational institutions are studied. The problems and forms of work with future conductors of vocal-choir collectives are considered and the main priorities of pedagogical activity are determined. The questions of the specifics of vocal-choral intonation, the development of auditory and vocal sensations, the integral mastery of the score, which leads to the convincing artistic-meaningful sound of the work, are also emphasized, as well as the high professionalism of the concert conductor. Balancing a whole set of these qualities allows you to comprehend a perfect performance level based on the expression of the timbre, volume of sound, gradation of nuances and their aggregate coordinated flexibility. And on this way, the key to success is only a multifaceted, clearly meaningful and purposeful work that creates an intellectual artist, not just a professional artisan. The emphasis is on the necessity of mastering a complete cycle of specialized disciplines of great practical importance. At the same time, it is absorbed in the necessity of mastering the bases of conducting activity by students of related specialties. The special role of the conductor as an intermediary between the author of the work, the performer and the listener is substantiated.


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