interdisciplinary, scenical transformation, vocal performance, existential, charac-ter’s consciousness, psychological aspects.Abstract
The article deals with the psychological aspects of the singer’s scenical transformation in the opera performance. The practice of transformation of an opera performer in the context of psy-chology can bring the actor-singer to a new level of professional self-improvement through the use of new methods of working with his own psyche as a tool for creating a person’s consciousness. Character’s personality in operatic drama should be considered as a unique integral system. This obliges the performer to show the evolution of the consciousness of the opera hero, revealing the dynamics of his musical image. The opera character, created by the power of reason, affects his creator, causing him one or another emotional reaction. Thus, between the performer and the character he creates, there are conditions for stable coexistence within the psychoemotional sphere. This is important for understanding the nature of the phenomenon of stage split. The art of psychological transformation relies on the concept of "experiencing identity" accented in psychology: the ability to survive the character of being as their own identity and is the basis of psychological transformation. As a result of the assignment of the content of the role the performer receives a complete interpersonal experience, enriching both the actual and the cha-racter’s psychological life. Among the methods of forming the mental content of the personality of the character are distributed projective techniques due to their belonging to the natural mechanisms of correction of the human psyche. The projection is appropriate as the starting point of working on the image. The creation of a psychological portrait involves the recon-struction of the character’s history, the creation of his biography in order to present the factors shaping the consciousness and personality of the hero from the very childhood. An effective technique for the formation of a person’s consciousness is an art experiment, which is a rehearsal process. The performer must combine rational knowledge with irrational sensations in an engag-ing work on the personality of the character.
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