modern performance, pianism, modern culture, tricster, mythological sense.Abstract
The purpose given studies – a discovery mythological factors of piano plays, clavier (on D. An-drosova) corporeality which reaches the sаcred depths of spiritual art in bards-филидов in early Indivisible церкви, their continues kobzar-bandurist of the Cossack time in Ukraine and others. Methdological base of the work – a works of the above named authors and developments V. Medushevskiy regarding сакральной to missions of the performers in "доведении before fullness of" expression онтологических symbol of the music, as well as works of P. Florenskiy with descriptions cult genesis of the music expression as a whole. The exploratory methods – general scientific analytical, historically-comparative, style-cоmparative musicological principles. Scientific novelty of the work is expressed in that that for the first time in science of art and culturology practical person is lifted problem of the entailment in mythological cocreteness of pianism, which is based on determined even tempers of the play-amusements and play-joining to High that is united in appearance of the virtuoso, in which unessential line of the discovery composition and prevails wholeness of the artistic playing continuum. Manifestation in contemporaneity as dependent position performance art puts the pianist into functioning facility of musicological lading to substantial expressiveness of instrument. The last is realized in confidence to clavier mechanics as representative of trikster abilities to reconstruct the instrumental projections of the play-amusements – and "holy plays" of the alliluija singing, inheritting testaments christian bards-feleeds, itinerant players and bandoreplayers in Ukraine and him like masters, who were a desirable guest and in life stay, and in holy for nation watch of ideal Serving Him and Full-grown-Fatherland.
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