
  • Vang Mingjze


lyricism in music, operatic chant, french lyrical opera,


The purpose given work is a trailing of the history logic of the transformation old-time lyric poets of hymnody in individuation lyricism operatic art, as well as particularities of the refraction of this lyricism within genre of the french lyrical opera, which had a special echo in creative activity ukrainian creator. Methdological base of the study is determined by intonation approach of the school of B. Asafiev in Ukraine with inherent him linguistics-culturology aspect of the inter-pretation musicology method, with handhold on analyst-structured principle and handhold on comparative stylistic features, hermeneutics-interpretation forshortening of the music semiotics of the developments legal successor I. Kotlyjarevskij, I.Ljashenko and others. Scientific novelty of the study is defined by independance to theoretical idea about specifics of the lyricism in border of the operatic genre of the french lyrical opera as generated by manifestation in 19th to sounding of male voice and in creation of timbre "lyrical – light" soprano in feminine party obedient custom and religiosity. Such lyricism became to be claimed in opera of the Ukraine – including in "psychоdrаmаs" of V. Rebikov, which original refracted the вокал of the lyrical opera. The lyrics was formed firstly in sacramental sphere, having formed base of the church christian music, from which concept of the operatic chant bel canto formed in Europe and operatic show first as "dramas with music", but then as "music drama". Theatrical dramatic effect was corrected by lyrical genesis of the opera, having brought forth in french lyrical opera of the second half ща 19th century concept to lyrical version with separation of the new timbre-kind of role "lyrical soprano", in which infantile colouration of the feminine image corresponded to "truncated" range "made" soprano of romantic operas and has formed original projection of position feminism rococo in operatic culture of the age of the romanticism. The church stimulus of vocal in lyrical opera naturaly was realized in Ukraine in operas of M.Lysenko, M. Leon-tovich, in "psychоdrаmаs" V. Rebikov.


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