HOW "BARVINSKYI’S CRIMINAL CASE" WAS FABRICATED (based on material of the criminal case from the archives of State Security of Ukraine)
V. Barvinskyi, criminal case, Barvinskyi’s family, Soviet period, German occupation.Abstract
The article is devoted to V. Barvinsky(1888–1963), who was under ideological pressure in 1939- 1948. Valuable sources for studying this period were confidensial documents, among them criminal cases for the public figures of that times, who became victims of the system. All these materials became public after archives of party organizations and the Security Service of Ukraine were opened. V. Barvinskyi is a well-known Ukrainian composer, teacher and public figure. Because of his education and achievements he became the director Lviv State Conservatorium (1939–1941) and (1944–1947) In 1948 he was arrested in Kyiv and accused of treason. Later, V. Barvinskyi and his wife Natalia Barvinska were sentenced to 10 years in concentration camp. The article outlines the circumstances of the arrest and exile of composer Barvinskyi through the analysis of new sources (criminal cases of the family from the Security Service of Ukraine archives). Presented materials reveal unknown pages from the life of V. Barvinskyi and his surroundings. An important question for the analysis was case of Vasyl Barvinsky’s brother – Alexander Barvinsky. There were three main lines of accusation: V. Barvinsky’s activity as an official; activity of the Barvinskyi and Puliuiv family; creation of confidential apartment and keeped banned literature. The criminal case against V. Barvinskyi is based on numerous falsifications and manipulations with real facts and indicates its political basis. At the same time condemnation and disgrace to the enemies of the regime were taken place. Accused of Spying were shown in the Lviv press against Barvinsky. The imprisonment of Vasyl Barvinskyi has given rise to even greater fear in the artistic circles and the realization that repressions can affect everyone regardless of his social status.
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