сhamber-instrumental ensemble, piano texture, expressive possibilities.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problem of interpreting piano texture in chamber-instrumental ensembles of Ye. Stankovych on example of Тriptych «On Verkhovyna». The purpose of the article is to research and reveale the timbre and coloristic peculiarities of the interpretation of the piano texture in the chamber-instrumental creativity of Ye. Stankovych on the example of Triptych "On Verkhovyna". The methodology of the study is applying the general scientific principle of objectivity. The main methods in the study of stylistic features of interpretation of the composer’s chamber-instrumental works were: historical, source-study, analytical, structural-logical and the method of theoretical generalization. The scientific novelty of the work: on the basis of a detailed musical and performing analysis of the Triptych "On Verkhovyna" by E.Stankovych the main tendencies of the piano expressiveness in the mentioned work as well as in the whole chamber-instrumental inheritance of the artist were discovered for the first time. In the article there were described the stylistic features of Triptych, there were studied the peculiarities of the piano texture in view of the timbre and coloristic features of its interpretation, the expressive possibilities of piano and related performance difficulties were revealed; the main principles of the relation and interaction of instrumental parts in the integral texture of a work were determined. Conclusions. It was proved that the main stylistic features of the musical work determined the peculiarities of the piano texture of the composition. The Triptych "On Verkhovyna" as well as other chamber-instrumental works of Ye. Stankovych synthesizes a wide field of stylistic components. It brightly manifests the relation with Western European and Ukrainian artistic traditions that flexibly coexist with modern musical vocabulary. The composer found a close connection between folk and professional music, used and developed contemporary expressions, which at the same time are inherent in folk traditions, reveal their ethno-specific essence.
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