pop singer image, stage character, Ukrainian contemporary popular music, pop-rock, video clip.Abstract
The purpose of the research. The purpose of the article is the characteristic of the image of Ukrainian performers representing the direction of pop-rock, which is an important component in the positioning of artists and the embodiment of their artistic character. The research methodology consists in the application of analytical and comparative methods, which made it possible to characterize the image of leading Ukrainian pop-rock singers as the main form of their self-presentation. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that in Ukrainian science for the first time the image was considered as a component of the positioning of artists and the creation of stage character in the works of Ukrainian pop-rock performers. Conclusions. Image plays an important role in creating the artistic character. Well-chosen image contributes to the popularity of the artist, because it meets the expectations of the public. For Ukrainian pop-rock performers, it is typical to form an image in accordance with the musical direction that he represents and the theme that is leading in their lyrics. The final consolidation of the image takes place in video clips, where the performers appear not only as musicians, but also artists. In the process of forming the image of the artist complemented by details that may be key to his image. For musicians who work in the style of pop-rock, it is important to position themselves as rock performers with the appropriate attributes. To form and consolidate the image of an artist, it is important to reveal the edges of your character in songs of different genres (classical rock composition, rock ballad) and various subjects (individual lyrics, philosophical lyrics, works of ironic content, etc.). For the success of an artist, it is necessary to have an original image that must necessarily be related to the traditions of the national culture.
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