Leszek Mazepa, Lviv, Lviv Conservatory, musical culture of Lviv and Galicia, musical education, musicology, history, Polish-Ukrainian relations.Abstract
The article deals with the formation of the peculiarity of the famous art historian, Ukrainian- Polish researcher of the musical culture of Lviv and Galicia, a historian, archivist, a cultural public figure, an educator, a teacher of many years at the M.V. Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy and the Faculty of Music of the Rzeszow University Leszek Mazepa, the formation of his ideological system and a set of scientific positions, their implementation in his scientific and cultural and public activities. The principles of his scientific activity are systematized and generalized on the basis of analysis of the most innovative and sign works. There are outlined the circle of L. Mazepa's scientific interests, features of the style of scientific activity, specificity of argumentation, discussion and controversy concerning the established pseudo-scientific positions. Consideration of the methodological grounds, arguments and beliefs of the scientist in the field of integrated analysis of multicultural sources of the musical history of the region, of the Ukrainian-Polish music and art contacts, phases and varieties of music school, creates the basis for assessing the significance of his achievements and the logic of building further research in each of the general directions, were initiated by L. Mazepa.
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