
  • Ke Long


musical-theatrical art, Guangzhou art of Yueju, musical and literary components, folklore sources, manner of vocalization, Beijing Opera.


The article explores the specific features of one of the varieties of Beijing Opera – Guangzhou Yuejui Opera. The date of her birth (1794), territory of residence (Guangdong Province), the renaissance period (from 1999 – the time of construction at the Guangzhou City Theater Jiangnan for the performance of local national operas). It is researched that the unique Cantonese dialect became the basis of the literary and colloquial basis of the Yuejui, and the music – the tunes of ancient folk songs of Guangdong province and the neighboring territories of Hubei and Anhui. It is proved that among other varieties of Beijing Opera, the Guangzhou Yuejuy Opera is a distinctive product of China's traditional culture. The following factors give grounds for considering it as an independent national art: the use of folklore sources of local origin, stories from the history of their land, special attention to the depiction of fantastic attributes of fairy tales. The musical component is characterized by the overuse of fabulous "self-sounding" instru-ments in the form of a bird, a fish, a dragon, a unique manner of vocalization, which is charac-terized by a special technique of breathing and involving exclusively local songs: 1. Yao folk tunes with intonational and rhythmic features of the Cantonese dialect that were sung or played on traditional instruments during the winter commemoration days exclusively in Guangdong. Their form is characterized by an arbitrary number of musical phrases and is perceived as free improvisation. 2. The use of tunes sung by the "yiyangs" borrowed by the Cantonese from the folk songs of Yiyang (neighboring Jiangxi province). In XVIII century. Yuan tunes accompanied by the muyu have become an integral part of Guangzhou's urban folklore and the typological basis of the model of the Yueizhu Opera, and in the twentieth century. – the basis of a number of works by professional composers of Guangdong (Lin Yue Pei, Qin Zhu, Xian Xinghai). Taken together, these components make it possible to distinguish among the varieties of the Beijing Opera the Guangzhou Yueju Opera as a distinctive and independent musical-theatrical art.


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