

musical infrastructure, society, musicians, socio- and cultural needs, education, musical culture.


The purpose of the article is to consider some aspects of formation of the musical infrastructure of Ukraine in the perspective of contemporary socio- and cultural needs. The methodology of the article is applying the general scientific principle of objectivity. It is based on using of a combination of different methods, such as analytical, theoretical, cultural, historical and comparative generalizing approaches. The scientific novelty consists in applying the category of infrastructure to the projection of the present musical life of the country. Conclusions.Musical infrastructure is one of the pivotal concepts of the musical and historical process, which sublimes the various facets of functioning of musical life in society. Its formation is directly or indirectly influenced by a number of external and internal factors, actual musical needs and socio-cultural inquiries, objective artistic and cultural parameters, as well as historical, national and mental, climatic and geographical, political and economic factors etc. In this context we define the concept of musical infrastructure as one or another structure of the musical life of society, a certain type of organization of musical education and the concert and theatrical life of society, determined by certain social priorities of philosophical and aesthetic dimension, which affects the type of composer’s work and performance within the framework of a certain national style. The musical infrastructure includes educational institutions of all levels, opera houses, philharmonic societies, concert halls, folk houses and cultural buildings, competitions, festivals, studios and record companies, radio stations, television music channels, music Internet portals etc. So, social needs affect all the levels of existence of music in a society, the forms of its existence, listening perception, the performing manner, composer’s creativity and so on. The research of the problem of functioning of musical life in modern Ukrainian society, its influence on formation of musical infrastructure seems important and actual at this stage of socio and cultural development. The infrastructure of musical life is in the dialectical interaction of the past – the present – the future.


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